“If you are living someone else’s definition of success, then it is not TRUE SUCCESS.”
Most of us compare ourselves with others and desperation on frustration sets in. The often-heard statement is, “I am not as good as him/her.” This is how you start living somebody else’s definition of success. Many of us start creating idols in our minds and fall prey to the thought that only if we are as good as him/her, we will achieve success. If you really look at it, the idol of yours is as imperfect as you are. Look closer and you will find that you are good or better in many aspects than your idol. Mere possession of material wealth is not happiness as you see it. But, contentment is necessarily the most important ingredient to feel and act successful. Have you taken time to sit down and find out your plusses and minuses? Have you looked around and seen that many of your plusses are unique to yourself? Once you know what you are good at and what you are not that good at, keep evaluating whether you have taken one step for the better every day. In other words, ask this all important question, “Are you better than your previous best?” How does one better his previous best? The only way to do is to find out first what makes one tick? What is it that you enjoy doing? What brings out the best in you? What can propel you too much better heights of performance? Do something pretty simple.
Sit down, relax and write down the things you would like to do.
These should be what YOU LIKE and not what you think others will like. You should enjoy doing these things. Doing what you like and excelling in doing what you like brings out the best in you and you will see your competence sparkling all the way. Once you consistently live your life the way you like it, you will see that previously, you were being driven by thoughts and likes and dislikes of others than yours. May be, you find yourself with your success ladder leaning against the wrong building. You should find out the way to move this ladder to the building of your dreams. When you start being better than your previous best, you start upgrading yourself and you shine as a TOTAL QUALITY PERSON! Yes, as it is mandatory in quality, consistent performance and continuous improvement becomes an every day occurrence and you start delivering what you promised. You become an ACTIVATIONIST! Actions speak louder than words in your case. You start walking the talk and people around you start noticing you. Yes! You become a player than a mere spectator. Slowly and steadily, you will be emulated. Ask yourself this question, “Can I be regarded as a person who can be emulated?” Go ahead and ask another question? “What are those qualities in me that others would love to emulate?” Once you are the competent self and you know what you enjoy doing the most, keep pegging yourself at a higher-level everyday. Being better than your previous best will enable you to do just that. You do not have to complete Herculean achievements. The seventy five year old LIC Agent, who came for the workshop on selling skills, when asked as to why he thought fit to attend the workshop, said that even one point he learns that day can enrich him and his team members and he looked forward to pass it down to his grandchildren when he went home! What a great thought! Most of us learn for ourselves, but here is a person who extends his competence to others as well so as to keep the second line of leadership ever ready to take on the mantle of leadership excellence. You can evolve to be better than the best by communicating positively. A positive thought or a positive deed or a positive gesture can make the day for
someone and if it does, you have bettered yourself. It is well said, “Fifty years from now, no one will remember which shirt you wear, which car you drove, which bungalow you stayed or which club you went to. All that matters would be whether you had made a positive change in somebody’s life.
To communicate is to touch people at the right place, at the right time and in the right way. Talking and writing form only part of communication. When you communicate effectively, you touch people positively and you build a strong bridge between or among the parties in question. The first and foremost requirement for communication to touch someone is to mutually involve in the communication. You will certainly get enamored by the film star who gets the Oscar or the scientist who gets the Nobel prize or the author who gets the Booker price. However, it is momentary and it is very difficult to remember who got what after sometime. Although you have affection and adoration for the person concerned, there is no permanent bridge that is built to sustain the onslaught of time. Now, you think about another scenario. Don’t you remember the teacher who made your life a little different in school? No one ever forgets the name of the teacher who made his/her life a little better. Here, the bridge is built
strong and no advent of time or any tide can obliterate that positive impression created by that teacher. Yes! Can you list out ten such persons who will remember you after you are long gone and fondly remember the change you made in his/her life? Then, it is sure that you have communicated effectively. The other ways of achieving efficacy in communication are by showing gratitude, by giving more than what is expected and by sacrificing willingly. Gratitude is a divine quality. God pushes persons to high levels of competency if they show gratitude and pull down those who are ungrateful. One of the sure ways to fall from the peak of success is to ignore those people who helped you to reach the pinnacle. “No matter how big are your achievements,
SOMEONE always helps YOU.” One might pride himself/herself as a self-made man/woman, but the reality is that many would have given the extra push or pull that let you reach the peak. Mother Teresa said, “Give till it hurts.” She must have kept in mind both the giver and the taker. The person who gives should give without the question, “Should I give this much?” The person who takes should be made to ask, “Is it right for me to take so much from this person?” A preacher mentioned this incident in one of her articles. She was traveling in a bus which stopped at a traffic signal. She saw two women, apparently rag pickers who were sitting on the pavements of a closed shop. They had one child each with them, both aged around five. One child had a banana in her hand and was quite thrilled about it. The other did not have anything in her hand and was longingly looking at the child with the banana. The woman with the child who had the banana took the banana from the child’s hand and made it into two pieces and gave one to the girl child without any prompting and then went her way! Yes! For her and her child, the one banana was quite a wealth, but she decided to give even if it hurt her and her child! Sacrifice gives you inner strength and this is also divine. Only, successful persons with guts can sacrifice. They have the will to forsake and forgive too. The nature of forgiving, the attitude of sacrifice and forsaking something for the benefit of others put you on a loftier platform and others start noticing you. The ‘half naked fakir’ was noted by the world and the world wondered whether someone like him could have lived in this world. Sacrifice teaches you to expect the best and plan for the worst scenario. You will have to be careful not to expect rewards straightaway, but everything straightens out in due course of time. When you touch people with your positive communication, you tend to become a benchmark in your area and you also become a brand. The overall competence in you makes you shine better than the others in your field and a brand is built.
The mantra to succeed is not a one step solution, but it urges you to the right things in the right way, the first time every time. The key to success is not being a genius or winning a lottery or clinching one big deal. Today, you start by doing one small thing that can make a small positive difference and if you like the results, do it again and again. Over
time, the law of small differences will make a huge difference in your life.
As someone said, “To the question of life, you are the answer. To the problems of your life, you are the solution.” Many a time, we look around for answers and solutions when these are available with you and within you. We have been discussing about carving out a success highway for us, but the measure of success is in finding out the tools to achieve the same and applying the same in our lives. What are those tips or tools that can make us competent that success becomes a habit and you better the best every time? Being credible, reaching out to better standards, innovating to improve, expecting the unexpected and using synergy to better your performance can you the cutting edge.
“The world is moving so fast that often, someone who says that something cannot be done is proved wrong by someone who is already doing it.” Mr.Narayanamoorthy – Chief Mentor - Infosys
You are no more living in a world where there is a set pace and unhurried actions and you are treading on blissfully. It is one massive rat race in which winners are not only decided by how much they have accomplished, but by how well they have achieved. Look around you. You will see that ISO certification has become the general standard. Quality consciousness has reached such a feverish pitch that there is a queue for such certifications. People keep trumpeting about the six sigma certification soon after they start the documentation.
“Things do not turn up in this world until someone turns them up.” -Arindam Choudhuri
With increasing competition and sky rocketing customer demands came the onslaught of quality. The world saw the price factor losing its previous importance and people started talking about ‘value for money’. Changes in lifestyles made marketing challenges more complex This phenomenon made the word ‘quality’ liable for multiple interpretations. Today’s world demands quality at all levels, all the time. Quality also revolves round the person or the product or the services of the organization.
Quality is to deliver what is promised. Then, what are the criteria for measuring personal quality? The most important seems to be credibility. Credibility is cultivated by continuous and consistent performance by delivering what he/she promised.
Quality is paying attention to details. Quality is not in big things alone. Quality sparkles in small things too. In other words, there are no small things! Even if you are wearing a branded suit and expensive perfume, a pair of unpolished shoes can take the sparkle away. Quality is like reputation. It takes years to build and a day to ruin! Continuous improvement and consistent performance should be your watchwords. The world forgets all the good deeds of the past and focuses on the smallest faults and
pitfalls. Quality is not like reputation, it is reputation. Once you lose your reputation, it takes some time to regain the lost ground. Manage reputation like it is your life. Quality is doing things right the first time. The world is watching you. A second chance may not be given to you. Hence planning goes a long way to reduce the risk of misfiring. Quality is cultivating and maintaining healthy relationships. The riches you amas will have no meaning if you do not reach out to people. Liking people, maintaining and retaining relationships will enable you to grow richer in your emotional bank accounts. Quality is a journey and not a destination. The best bridge has not yet been built, the best poetry is not yet written, the best game has is yet to be played and the
best speaker is yet to emerge! There is scope for raising the bar every time and creating super levels in quality. Quality is being the best in whatever you do. As Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“If you are a sweeper, sweep like hell and strive to be noticed as the best sweeper in the world.”
Quality is adding value to people. Quality of a Leader Manager lies in developing the second line of leadership. Quality is to let people go so that they can get going. The name of the game is empowerment. Quality is offering services to your customers beyond their expectations. Customer delight brings the sparkle of excellence to whatever you are doing. Quality is having your passion ignited to pursue excellence. They go the extra mile in satisfying or even delighting the customer. Such people do not
compromise on quality. Quality shines on you when you choose to reject mediocrity and strive for excellence. You have to shrug off the comfort jackets and decide on bettering your previous best. Decide that you will be second to none and are entitled to get
the best. Often, you will find that you do get the best. Quality becomes a permanent feature on you when you do your duty plus a little more. Total Quality persons never shun responsibilities and ensure super levels. Even God had planned for us to show quality. He made the world and left it unfinished so that we may enjoy the excitement of creations. As Oprah Winfrey said, “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” It is not enough that you show quality in patches. It is necessary to strive for QUALITATIVE QUALITY. Quality that spurs you to perform will get you the podium place. Yes, to run the race as if there is no finish line will give you that extra push to go ahead and WIN! Quality is going to be the business buzz word that is going to be with us for a long time. Being Total Quality persons will decide whether you are ordinary or extraordinary.Confidence follows competence. Competence dares you to perform and succeed. Confidence is the elixir that power drives you to success and beyond!
Most of us compare ourselves with others and desperation on frustration sets in. The often-heard statement is, “I am not as good as him/her.” This is how you start living somebody else’s definition of success. Many of us start creating idols in our minds and fall prey to the thought that only if we are as good as him/her, we will achieve success. If you really look at it, the idol of yours is as imperfect as you are. Look closer and you will find that you are good or better in many aspects than your idol. Mere possession of material wealth is not happiness as you see it. But, contentment is necessarily the most important ingredient to feel and act successful. Have you taken time to sit down and find out your plusses and minuses? Have you looked around and seen that many of your plusses are unique to yourself? Once you know what you are good at and what you are not that good at, keep evaluating whether you have taken one step for the better every day. In other words, ask this all important question, “Are you better than your previous best?” How does one better his previous best? The only way to do is to find out first what makes one tick? What is it that you enjoy doing? What brings out the best in you? What can propel you too much better heights of performance? Do something pretty simple.
Sit down, relax and write down the things you would like to do.
These should be what YOU LIKE and not what you think others will like. You should enjoy doing these things. Doing what you like and excelling in doing what you like brings out the best in you and you will see your competence sparkling all the way. Once you consistently live your life the way you like it, you will see that previously, you were being driven by thoughts and likes and dislikes of others than yours. May be, you find yourself with your success ladder leaning against the wrong building. You should find out the way to move this ladder to the building of your dreams. When you start being better than your previous best, you start upgrading yourself and you shine as a TOTAL QUALITY PERSON! Yes, as it is mandatory in quality, consistent performance and continuous improvement becomes an every day occurrence and you start delivering what you promised. You become an ACTIVATIONIST! Actions speak louder than words in your case. You start walking the talk and people around you start noticing you. Yes! You become a player than a mere spectator. Slowly and steadily, you will be emulated. Ask yourself this question, “Can I be regarded as a person who can be emulated?” Go ahead and ask another question? “What are those qualities in me that others would love to emulate?” Once you are the competent self and you know what you enjoy doing the most, keep pegging yourself at a higher-level everyday. Being better than your previous best will enable you to do just that. You do not have to complete Herculean achievements. The seventy five year old LIC Agent, who came for the workshop on selling skills, when asked as to why he thought fit to attend the workshop, said that even one point he learns that day can enrich him and his team members and he looked forward to pass it down to his grandchildren when he went home! What a great thought! Most of us learn for ourselves, but here is a person who extends his competence to others as well so as to keep the second line of leadership ever ready to take on the mantle of leadership excellence. You can evolve to be better than the best by communicating positively. A positive thought or a positive deed or a positive gesture can make the day for
someone and if it does, you have bettered yourself. It is well said, “Fifty years from now, no one will remember which shirt you wear, which car you drove, which bungalow you stayed or which club you went to. All that matters would be whether you had made a positive change in somebody’s life.
To communicate is to touch people at the right place, at the right time and in the right way. Talking and writing form only part of communication. When you communicate effectively, you touch people positively and you build a strong bridge between or among the parties in question. The first and foremost requirement for communication to touch someone is to mutually involve in the communication. You will certainly get enamored by the film star who gets the Oscar or the scientist who gets the Nobel prize or the author who gets the Booker price. However, it is momentary and it is very difficult to remember who got what after sometime. Although you have affection and adoration for the person concerned, there is no permanent bridge that is built to sustain the onslaught of time. Now, you think about another scenario. Don’t you remember the teacher who made your life a little different in school? No one ever forgets the name of the teacher who made his/her life a little better. Here, the bridge is built
strong and no advent of time or any tide can obliterate that positive impression created by that teacher. Yes! Can you list out ten such persons who will remember you after you are long gone and fondly remember the change you made in his/her life? Then, it is sure that you have communicated effectively. The other ways of achieving efficacy in communication are by showing gratitude, by giving more than what is expected and by sacrificing willingly. Gratitude is a divine quality. God pushes persons to high levels of competency if they show gratitude and pull down those who are ungrateful. One of the sure ways to fall from the peak of success is to ignore those people who helped you to reach the pinnacle. “No matter how big are your achievements,
SOMEONE always helps YOU.” One might pride himself/herself as a self-made man/woman, but the reality is that many would have given the extra push or pull that let you reach the peak. Mother Teresa said, “Give till it hurts.” She must have kept in mind both the giver and the taker. The person who gives should give without the question, “Should I give this much?” The person who takes should be made to ask, “Is it right for me to take so much from this person?” A preacher mentioned this incident in one of her articles. She was traveling in a bus which stopped at a traffic signal. She saw two women, apparently rag pickers who were sitting on the pavements of a closed shop. They had one child each with them, both aged around five. One child had a banana in her hand and was quite thrilled about it. The other did not have anything in her hand and was longingly looking at the child with the banana. The woman with the child who had the banana took the banana from the child’s hand and made it into two pieces and gave one to the girl child without any prompting and then went her way! Yes! For her and her child, the one banana was quite a wealth, but she decided to give even if it hurt her and her child! Sacrifice gives you inner strength and this is also divine. Only, successful persons with guts can sacrifice. They have the will to forsake and forgive too. The nature of forgiving, the attitude of sacrifice and forsaking something for the benefit of others put you on a loftier platform and others start noticing you. The ‘half naked fakir’ was noted by the world and the world wondered whether someone like him could have lived in this world. Sacrifice teaches you to expect the best and plan for the worst scenario. You will have to be careful not to expect rewards straightaway, but everything straightens out in due course of time. When you touch people with your positive communication, you tend to become a benchmark in your area and you also become a brand. The overall competence in you makes you shine better than the others in your field and a brand is built.
The mantra to succeed is not a one step solution, but it urges you to the right things in the right way, the first time every time. The key to success is not being a genius or winning a lottery or clinching one big deal. Today, you start by doing one small thing that can make a small positive difference and if you like the results, do it again and again. Over
time, the law of small differences will make a huge difference in your life.
As someone said, “To the question of life, you are the answer. To the problems of your life, you are the solution.” Many a time, we look around for answers and solutions when these are available with you and within you. We have been discussing about carving out a success highway for us, but the measure of success is in finding out the tools to achieve the same and applying the same in our lives. What are those tips or tools that can make us competent that success becomes a habit and you better the best every time? Being credible, reaching out to better standards, innovating to improve, expecting the unexpected and using synergy to better your performance can you the cutting edge.
“The world is moving so fast that often, someone who says that something cannot be done is proved wrong by someone who is already doing it.” Mr.Narayanamoorthy – Chief Mentor - Infosys
You are no more living in a world where there is a set pace and unhurried actions and you are treading on blissfully. It is one massive rat race in which winners are not only decided by how much they have accomplished, but by how well they have achieved. Look around you. You will see that ISO certification has become the general standard. Quality consciousness has reached such a feverish pitch that there is a queue for such certifications. People keep trumpeting about the six sigma certification soon after they start the documentation.
“Things do not turn up in this world until someone turns them up.” -Arindam Choudhuri
With increasing competition and sky rocketing customer demands came the onslaught of quality. The world saw the price factor losing its previous importance and people started talking about ‘value for money’. Changes in lifestyles made marketing challenges more complex This phenomenon made the word ‘quality’ liable for multiple interpretations. Today’s world demands quality at all levels, all the time. Quality also revolves round the person or the product or the services of the organization.
Quality is to deliver what is promised. Then, what are the criteria for measuring personal quality? The most important seems to be credibility. Credibility is cultivated by continuous and consistent performance by delivering what he/she promised.
Quality is paying attention to details. Quality is not in big things alone. Quality sparkles in small things too. In other words, there are no small things! Even if you are wearing a branded suit and expensive perfume, a pair of unpolished shoes can take the sparkle away. Quality is like reputation. It takes years to build and a day to ruin! Continuous improvement and consistent performance should be your watchwords. The world forgets all the good deeds of the past and focuses on the smallest faults and
pitfalls. Quality is not like reputation, it is reputation. Once you lose your reputation, it takes some time to regain the lost ground. Manage reputation like it is your life. Quality is doing things right the first time. The world is watching you. A second chance may not be given to you. Hence planning goes a long way to reduce the risk of misfiring. Quality is cultivating and maintaining healthy relationships. The riches you amas will have no meaning if you do not reach out to people. Liking people, maintaining and retaining relationships will enable you to grow richer in your emotional bank accounts. Quality is a journey and not a destination. The best bridge has not yet been built, the best poetry is not yet written, the best game has is yet to be played and the
best speaker is yet to emerge! There is scope for raising the bar every time and creating super levels in quality. Quality is being the best in whatever you do. As Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“If you are a sweeper, sweep like hell and strive to be noticed as the best sweeper in the world.”
Quality is adding value to people. Quality of a Leader Manager lies in developing the second line of leadership. Quality is to let people go so that they can get going. The name of the game is empowerment. Quality is offering services to your customers beyond their expectations. Customer delight brings the sparkle of excellence to whatever you are doing. Quality is having your passion ignited to pursue excellence. They go the extra mile in satisfying or even delighting the customer. Such people do not
compromise on quality. Quality shines on you when you choose to reject mediocrity and strive for excellence. You have to shrug off the comfort jackets and decide on bettering your previous best. Decide that you will be second to none and are entitled to get
the best. Often, you will find that you do get the best. Quality becomes a permanent feature on you when you do your duty plus a little more. Total Quality persons never shun responsibilities and ensure super levels. Even God had planned for us to show quality. He made the world and left it unfinished so that we may enjoy the excitement of creations. As Oprah Winfrey said, “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” It is not enough that you show quality in patches. It is necessary to strive for QUALITATIVE QUALITY. Quality that spurs you to perform will get you the podium place. Yes, to run the race as if there is no finish line will give you that extra push to go ahead and WIN! Quality is going to be the business buzz word that is going to be with us for a long time. Being Total Quality persons will decide whether you are ordinary or extraordinary.Confidence follows competence. Competence dares you to perform and succeed. Confidence is the elixir that power drives you to success and beyond!